29 November 2011


Normally, my office breakfast would consist of 4 pan de sals, 2 packs of retail mayonnaise, and a cup of coffee purchased from a coffee dispenser in our pantry. A couple of days back though, I had a change in routine.

I had these for breakfast!

Starbucks' Christmas Blend - Peppermint Mocha
bagel with cream cheese

Well, the bagel was not actually for free but the tall espresso-based coffee was. Not too bad at all. Here's the story:

A couple of weeks back, I've spent at least three sleepless nights cramming for an upcoming exam. It was for a certification at work, and forgetful me only remembered about the exam date a week ahead. And fortunately, I have only read 2 chapters (out of 12) of the handbook. Which by the way happened one day after I received the handbook in, when was that, July?

To cut the story short, I spent a few times loitering in coffee shops because I can't study at home, the temptation to sleep was just too strong. And besides, I realized that my brain's info intake can be optimized when there's enough hustle bustle going on around me.

that dessert was the culprit =)

trying expensive tea to avoid OD-ing in caffein

So anyway, while I ordered a slice of walnut-topped I-forgot-the-name cake, I noticed that the cashier who was serving me was jumping jubilantly in place, and was beaming at me.

Apparently, I had just been awarded with a "Customer Voice Receipt". The cashier explained that the receipt was randomly-generated, meaning they wouldn't know to which customer or to which branch it will turn up. Also, the cashier said that the receipt gives me an opportunity to provide feedback of the products and service of Starbucks, and as a complement, they will give me a Tall coffee of my choice (upgradable). Yippee!

the actual receipt

Answering the survey
I just went online and answered the survey.

And done! I gave 'em back the receipt together with the code that was generated after I answered the survey. Then, voila!  I earned meself a glass of Starbucks for free. YAY! :)

P.S. You may claim the free coffee at any branch. :)


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